Muzyka / Metal
Manticora - To Kill to Live to Kill (2018)

Dodał: Qeshi92
Data dodania:
2018-07-28 20:52:23
Rozmiar: 162.47 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2018-07-28 20:52:23
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 0

Komentarze: 0

Year - 2018
Style - Power Metal
Additional - Progressive Metal, Speed Metal
Country - Denmark
Format - 320 mp3
Size - 162.47 MB

Length: 01:09:47

01. Piano Concerto 1: B Flat minor...
02. Echoes of a Silent Scream
03. Through the Eyes of the Killer: Towering Over You
04. Katana: Awakening the Lunacy
05. The Farmer's Tale (Part 1: The Aftermath of Indifference)
06. The Devil in Lisbon
07. Growth
08. Humiliation Supreme
09. Nothing Lasts Forever
10. Katana: Opium
11. Through The Eyes of the Killer: Revival of the Muse That Is Violence
12. The Farmer's Tale (Part 2: Annihilation at the Graves)

Lista plików


  • http://www.metal-tracker.com:2710/8573519af5f15a8713f210aacaff2ba4/announce
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