Programy / Inne
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio - 64bit [ENG] [Preactivated] [azjatycki]

Dodał: azjatycki
Data dodania:
2018-11-19 21:36:48
Rozmiar: 614.85 MB
Ostat. aktualizacja:
2020-05-23 12:31:37
Seedów: 0
Peerów: 2

Komentarze: 1

UWAGA: Aplikacja ma spore wymagania sprzętowe, info na dole opisu ENG.


Pierwotnie zaprojektowany dla elitarnych kolorystów Hollywood, DaVinci Resolve został użyty w większej liczbie filmów fabularnych i programów telewizyjnych niż cokolwiek innego, ponieważ pozwala tworzyć obrazy, które są po prostu niemożliwe przy innych narzędziach. DaVinci to także najszybciej rozwijające się i najbardziej zaawansowane narzędzie do edycji! Teraz, dzięki DaVinci Resolve 15, otrzymujesz niesamowite nowe narzędzia audio Fairlight specjalnie zaprojektowane do postprodukcji filmowych i telewizyjnych.

Dzięki bogatemu zestawowi narzędzi dla każdego etapu post-processingu, otwiera naprawdę nieograniczone możliwości twórcze dla freelancerów i dużych studiów, za pomocą jednego kliknięcia, aby przełączać się między różnymi zadaniami.

Eksport i przygotowanie plików nie jest wymagane, ponieważ zamiast kilku aplikacji używany jest jeden system. DaVinci Resolve 15 - jedyny program z narzędziami kolektywnej kreatywności. Dzięki tej funkcjonalności redaktorzy, kolorystycy, specjaliści VFX i inżynierowie dźwięku mogą jednocześnie wykonywać swoje zadania w ramach jednego projektu. DaVinci Resolve 15 ustanawia nowe standardy dla wysokiej jakości przetwarzania końcowego materiału, dlatego przy tworzeniu pełnometrażowych filmów fabularnych, seriali telewizyjnych i reklam, system ten jest wykorzystywany częściej niż jakakolwiek inna aplikacja.

Nowe funkcje:

- Wbudowane narzędzia Fusion do stosowania efektów wizualnych i grafiki, Fairlight do przetwarzania dźwięku i setki ulepszeń w celu zwiększenia wydajności.
- DaVinci Resolve 15 zawiera pakiet oprogramowania Fusion do nakładania grafiki i efektów wizualnych w przestrzeni trójwymiarowej. Pakiet Fusion zawiera ponad 250 narzędzi do tworzenia kompozycji, farby wektor, kluczowanie, rotoscoping, animować tekst, śledzenia, stabilizacji obrazu i dodawanie cząsteczek, a dzięki wsparciu firmy Apple technologii metali i architektury CUDA oferuje jeszcze większą wydajność. W najnowszej wersji znacznie rozszerzyła funkcjonalność Fairlight: były oznacza ADR, przewijanie audio i wideo, normalizacja i przesuwanie bazy dźwięku biblioteki oraz wbudowany cross-platformowych wtyczek do tworzenia i proces echo ścieżek głosowych, usuwanie szumów i niepożądane częstotliwości. Oprócz tabel LUT przeglądarki można korzystać ze wspólnych schematów kolorów i kilku kursorów, Tryb Super Scale do skalowania od HD do 8K i warstwowy układ linijek montażowych. Ponadto DaVinci Resolve 15 pozwala dodawać notatki i napisy, ma nowe szablony tekstowe i ulepszoną konfigurację skrótów klawiszowych.

Wysokiej jakości instalacja:

DaVinci Resolve oferuje pełny zestaw profesjonalnych narzędzi do interaktywnej edycji i edycji filmów pełnometrażowych, programów telewizyjnych i reklam. Zmieniona platforma umożliwia edycję i szybkie dostosowanie materiału, nawet w przypadku pracy z tak wymagającymi zasobami formatami jak H.264 i RAW.

Kreatywne podejście do instalacji
Znajoma wielowarstwowa oś czasu, dziesiątki trybów edycji, precyzyjna regulacja, konfigurowalne skróty klawiaturowe i inne narzędzia.

Zaawansowane opcje dopasowania
Kontekstowe narzędzia do przycinania, dynamiczne i asymetryczne dopasowanie, w tym odtwarzanie w czasie rzeczywistym.

Montaż materiału wielokomorowego
Możliwość montażu materiału wielokomorowego w czasie rzeczywistym z obrazem wyjściowym w dwóch, czterech, dziewięciu lub 16 oknach.

Używanie efektów synchronizacji
Stała lub zmienna zmiana prędkości odtwarzania za pomocą specjalnych narzędzi i edytowalnych krzywych.

Przetwarzanie krzywej
Animowanie i dodawanie klatek kluczowych dla prawie wszystkich parametrów i wtyczek za pomocą okna Inspektora lub krzywych opartych na linijce edycji.

Przejścia i efekty
Szybko dodawaj przejścia i efekty z biblioteki wewnętrznej, korzystając z szablonów 2D / 3D lub wtyczek innych firm.

Systematyzacja materiału
Twórz automatycznie wypełniane foldery na podstawie metadanych, dodawaj znaczniki za pomocą nowych narzędzi do adnotacji i innych funkcji.

Narzędzia Fusion:

Teraz DaVinci Resolve zawiera pakiet Fusion - najnowocześniejsze oprogramowanie do nakładania efektów wizualnych. Pozwala to na wykonywanie kompozycji, dodawanie grafiki i animacji rozgłoszeniowej w tej samej aplikacji, która jest używana do innych zadań związanych z postprocesowaniem.

Rysunek wektorowy
Aby usunąć niechciane przedmioty lub dodać nowe, dostępne są narzędzia do rysowania niezależne od rozdzielczości z ustawieniami takimi jak styl pędzla, tryb mieszania i kształt smugi.

Krzywe splajnów i krzywe Beziera pozwalają szybko rysować obrys dowolnego kształtu, aby odizolować pojedynczy obiekt od reszty elementów sceny.

Cząsteczki 3D
Aplikacja umożliwia tworzenie efektów 3D za pomocą symulacji takich zjawisk fizycznych jak przyciąganie, odpychanie i rykoszet.

Potężne moduły
Moduły Delta, Ultra, Chroma, Luma i Differential pomogą w stworzeniu najdoskonalszego złożonego obrazu.

Kompozycja w obecnej trójwymiarowej przestrzeni
Łącząc obrazy na żywo, modele 3D i oświetlenie w trójwymiarowym obszarze roboczym, możesz tworzyć oszałamiające efekty fotorealistyczne.

Stabilizacja i śledzenie
Śledzenie Planar i 3D zapewnia śledzenie i wiązanie obiektów, a także stabilizację obrazu.
Dwu- i trójwymiarowe tytuły

Możliwość tworzenia tytułów 2D i 3D z wytłoczeniem, refleksją i cieniowaniem, a także animacją poszczególnych postaci.

Animacja oparta na krzywych
Animacja klatkami kluczowymi w sposób liniowy, za pomocą krzywych splajnów i krzywych Beziera przez zapętlenie, inwersję lub alternatywne użycie.

Korekcja kolorów:

W produkcji filmów fabularnych i seriali telewizyjnych system DaVinci Resolve jest wykorzystywany częściej niż inne produkty oprogramowania. Posiada potężne narzędzia do korekcji kolorów pierwotnych i wtórnych, umożliwia przetwarzanie za pomocą krzywych, śledzenie i stabilizację, stosowanie redukcji szumów, efektów ziarna i wtyczek ResolveFX.

Legendarna jakość
Opatentowany algorytm przetwarzania w przestrzeni kolorów YRGB z dokładnością 32-bitowego zmiennoprzecinkowego pozwala uzyskać wyniki, których nie można osiągnąć za pomocą innych programów.

Podstawowa korekcja kolorów
Tradycyjne kolorowe koła i 12 dodatkowych narzędzi zapewniają szybką zmianę parametrów, takich jak temperatura, odcień i ostrość poszczególnych obszarów.

Przetwarzanie krzywej
Indywidualne krzywe i miękkie ograniczenie parametrów każdego kanału pozwalają szybko ustawić kontrast dla różnych obszarów światła i cienia.

Selektywna instalacja kolorów
Korzystając z narzędzi HSL, kluczowania i podstawowych lub dostosowanych szablonów rotoscopingu, można wyodrębnić żądane obszary obrazu do sortowania selektywnego.

Szeroki zakres dynamiki
Możliwość obróbki materiału o szerokim zakresie dynamiki, w tym formaty Dolby Vision, HDR10 + i Hybrid Log Gamma.

Kompatybilny z wieloma różnymi formatami
Obsługa formatu RAW i prawie każdego innego formatu umożliwia wykonywanie klasyfikacji o najwyższej jakości.

Fairlight Tools:

Zestaw narzędzi Fairlight to pełnoprawna cyfrowa stacja robocza z profesjonalnym mikserem. Pozwala zautomatyzować zadania, monitorować i wyświetlać wskaźniki poziomu, obsługuje edycję do pojedynczej próbki i bazę danych dla biblioteki dźwiękowej, a także ma narzędzia i wtyczki z dźwiękiem. Ponadto można połączyć kilka ścieżek w jeden plik i utworzyć wersję główną w różnych formatach 3D, w tym w wersji 5.1, 7.1, a nawet 22.2!

W pełni funkcjonalny mikser audio umożliwia wybór wejść i wyjść, dodawanie efektów i wstawień, użycie korektora, dynamiczne przetwarzanie i przestrzenną charakterystykę dźwięku, przypisywanie ścieżek głównych i pomocniczych.

Wyrównanie i wykorzystanie efektów
Sześciopasmowy EQ z dynamicznym Expander / Gate, Compressor i Limiter na każdej ścieżce.

Instalacja i automatyzacja
Instalacja dźwięku o częstotliwości próbkowania 192 kHz i 24-bitowej szerokości z automatycznym ustawianiem poziomu i tłumieniem dla każdej pojedynczej próbki.

Tworzenie efektów za pomocą wtyczek
Własne moduły międzyplatformowe, wsparcie VST i komponent audio (Mac OS X) z przetwarzaniem w czasie rzeczywistym przy użyciu maksymalnie sześciu wtyczek na ścieżkę.

Narzędzia do dubbingu mowy z możliwością wielowarstwowego nagrywania dźwięku.

Tworzenie kopii głównej
Aplikacja zawiera wszystkie narzędzia do tworzenia wersji głównych. Ostateczna ścieżka dźwiękowa może być odtwarzana jako dźwięk mono lub stereo, w formacie 5.1, 7.1 lub nawet 22.2 z pełną specyfikacją przestrzenną.

Media i produkt końcowy:

DaVinci Resolve 15 pozwala szybko importować, synchronizować i organizować strzelające materiały. Aplikacja zawiera kompletny zestaw narzędzi do tworzenia gotowego produktu w niemal każdym formacie, niezależnie od miejsca docelowego filmu, bez względu na to, czy jest to publikacja w Internecie, nagrywanie, czy kopia filmu. Bez względu na to, jak rygorystyczne są terminy, zawsze masz czas na zakończenie projektu!

Import materiałów
Strona Media umożliwia import wideo, synchronizację dźwięku z obrazem i przygotowanie materiału do edycji. Wystarczy przeciągnąć pliki z lokalizacji do folderów lub do linijki edycji.

Porządkowanie klipów
Aby porządkować klipy, możesz tworzyć foldery w dowolnej formie lub na podstawie metadanych. Podczas pracy z nimi dostępne są różne tryby wyświetlania, wyjście w kilku oknach i inne funkcje.

Możesz użyć wbudowanych metadanych lub własnych informacji do sortowania i synchronizowania klipów, zmiany nazwy, przetwarzania początkowych i końcowych klatek z kątem wielu kamer.

Tworzenie ostatecznego produktu
System umożliwia tworzenie kopii do umieszczenia w zasobach online, pakiety DCP dla kin i materiałów do dodatkowego przetwarzania w innych aplikacjach.

Lista renderers
W przypadku przetwarzania wsadowego do listy renderowania można dodać kilka projektów, a do wyprowadzenia produktu końcowego można użyć innej stacji.

Obsługa różnych formatów
DaVinci Resolve umożliwia pracę z prawie wszystkimi głównymi formatami używanymi podczas postprodukcji, a nawet z innymi aplikacjami.



DaVinci Resolve 15 is the world’s first solution that combines professional offline and online editing, color correction, audio post production and now visual effects all in one software tool! You get unlimited creative flexibility because DaVinci Resolve 15 makes it easy for individual artists to explore different toolsets. It also lets you collaborate and bring people with different creative talents together. With a single click, you can instantly move between editing, color, effects, and audio. Plus, you never have to export or translate files between separate software tools because, with DaVinci Resolve 15, everything is in the same software application! DaVinci Resolve 15 is the only post production software designed for true collaboration. Multiple editors, assistants, colorists, VFX artists and sound designers can all work on the same project at the same time! Whether you’re an individual artist, or part of a larger collaborative team, it’s easy to see why DaVinci Resolve 15 is the standard for high end post production and is used for finishing more Hollywood feature films, episodic television programing and TV commercials than any other software.

What’s New!

DaVinci Resolve 15 now has full Fusion visual effects and motion graphics built in! The Fusion page gives you a complete 3D workspace with over 250 tools for compositing, vector paint, keying, rotoscoping, text animation, tracking, stabilization, particles and more. With new Apple Metal and CUDA GPU processing, the Fusion page is faster than ever! Fairlight audio gets a massive upgrade with new ADR tools, audio normalization, 3D panners, audio and video scrollers, a sound library database, and built in cross platform plug-ins such as reverb, hum removal, vocal channel and de-esser. There are also dozens of new features and improvements that editors and colorists have asked for. These include a new LUT browser, shared grades, multiple playheads, Super Scale HD to 8K up-rezzing, stacked timelines, on-screen annotations, subtitle and closed captioning tools, better keyboard customization, new title templates and much more!

Professional Editing
DaVinci Resolve includes everything professional editors need to cut blockbuster films, television shows, and commercials. It’s perfect for both offline and online editing. The high performance playback engine makes editing and trimming incredibly fast, even for processor intensive formats such as H.264 and RAW.

Fusion Effects
Fusion brings the world’s most advanced compositing software for visual effects artists and motion graphic animators right into DaVinci Resolve! So now you can create cinematic feature film quality visual effects and stunning broadcast motion graphic animations without having to switch software applications!

Color Correction
DaVinci Resolve has been used on more feature films and television shows than any other grading system! You get the industry’s most powerful primary and secondary correction tools, advanced curve editor, tracking and stabilization, noise reduction and grain tools, ResolveFX and more.

Fairlight Audio
With Fairlight audio built in, you get a complete digital audio workstation with professional mixer, automation, metering, monitoring, sample level editing, new ADR tools, a sound library database, native audio plug-ins and more! You can even mix down and master to multiple formats, including 3D audio space formats such as 5.1, 7.1 and even 22.2!

Media and Delivery
DaVinci Resolve 15 makes importing, syncing and organizing footage fast! Whether you’re going out to the web, tape, or theatrical distribution, DaVinci Resolve features everything you need to deliver projects in virtually any format! You’ll be able to get to work quickly and output files fast, so you’ll never miss a deadline!

Multi User Collaboration
DaVinci Resolve 15 completely redefines post production workflows! Assistant editors can prepare footage while editors cut the picture, colorists grade the shots, effects artists work on VFX, and sound editors mix and finish audio, all in the same project at the same time! You no longer have to waste time conforming and you no longer have to wait for a locked edit before starting color and audio work! That means picture editors, visual effects artists, colorists, and sound editors can now work in parallel, leaving more time for everyone to be creative!

DaVinci Resolve Studio
The free version of DaVinci Resolve has all of the professional editing, legendary color correction and Fairlight audio tools you need for SD, HD and Ultra HD work at up to 60 frames per second. DaVinci Resolve Studio adds support for 4K and higher, along with frame rates up to 120 fps. It also includes dozens of additional image processing features and filters that are not in the free version. This includes film grain, temporal and spatial noise reduction, amazing new face enhancement tools, lens flares, lens distortion correction, optical quality blur and mist effects, deflicker, dust busting, warping and much more!

New High Performance Playback Engine
DaVinci Resolve 15 features an incredible new video playback engine with CPU and GPU optimizations, lower latency, faster UI refresh, support for Apple Metal, and more! These upgrades combine to make DaVinci Resolve faster and far more responsive than ever. Working on long timelines with thousands of clips is incredibly fluid and editing is even more precise. Scrubbing and playback are instant, often starting before you lift your fingers off the keyboard! Powerful acceleration for processor intensive formats, like H.264, makes it possible to edit 4K material on a laptop in realtime! Whether you’re working in HD or 4K, with ProRes, H.264 or even RAW images, DaVinci Resolve 15 is completely responsive and fast enough to keep up with your every move!

Legendary DaVinci Quality
DaVinci Resolve’s Emmy™ award-winning image processing technology features deep 32-bit float processing combined with unique, patented YRGB color science that processes luminance independent of color. This allows you to adjust the luminance of video without rebalancing the color of your highlights, midtones, or shadows! The massive internal color space is also perfect for the latest HDR and wide color gamut workflows.

Hardware Control Panels
When you have a client looking over your shoulder you need to work fast. DaVinci Resolve control panels are designed to give you fluid, hands-on control over multiple parameters at the same time, allowing you to create looks that are simply impossible with a standard mouse! All controls are logically placed near your natural hand positions and are made out of the highest quality materials. You get smooth, high resolution weighted trackballs, along with precision engineered knobs and dials that feature the perfect amount of resistance so you can accurately adjust any setting. DaVinci Resolve control panels let you instinctively touch every part of the image!

Fairlight Professional Consoles
Fairlight mixing consoles provide high quality tactile controls for nearly every parameter and feature in the software. Unique user interfaces and dynamic configuration changes provide fast to use buttons and controls that are optimized for the task at hand allowing you to work faster with Fairlight audio than any other tool in the world. With the modular design you can start with a larger console frame than you need and add more modules to meet the growing needs of your facility.

Open and Compatible
With all of the different workflows and systems out there, you need a post production solution that’s compatible and open enough to handle anything! DaVinci Resolve has been designed to work with all major file formats, media types, and post production software. You can use XML, EDLs, or AAF to move projects between DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, Avid Media Composer, and Premiere Pro. Deep integration with Fusion makes it easy to send shots out for VFX work, or you can roundtrip with software such as After Effects. For audio, projects can easily be moved between DaVinci Resolve and ProTools. When you’re on a tight deadline, you can count on DaVinci Resolve to “just work!”

What's new in DaVinci Resolve 15.2:

Key new features:
- Improved Edit timeline performance and responsiveness
- Support for improved visual animations when editing the timeline on the Edit page
- Support for a visual keyboard customization utility to find, add and modify shortcuts
- Support for per-module customizable shortcuts, including module specific actions and context menus
- Support for showing the currently focused module in the user interface
- Support for displaying duplicate frame ranges for clips on the timeline on the Edit page
- Support for cleaning up and flattening video tracks on the Edit timeline
- Support for adding, editing and exporting custom keyword sets from the keyword dictionary in the Workspace menu
- Support for option to export gallery stills using the still label name
- Support for ResolveFX Beauty in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for ResolveFX Blanking Fill for portrait videos
- Support for VCA groups
- Support for FairlightFX Multiband Compressor
- Support for FairlightFX Stereo Fixer
- Support for decoding Panasonic 8K SHV clips in DaVinci Resolve Studio

- Improved Edit timeline performance and responsiveness
- Support for improved visual animations when editing the timeline on the Edit page
- Support for displaying duplicate frame ranges for clips on the timeline on the Edit page
- Support for viewing inspector properties for the highest visible clip under the playhead in the Edit timeline when there is no active selection
- Support for viewer overlay controls for the highest visible clip under the playhead in the Edit timeline when there is no active selection
- Support for marking a clip within a compound clip or a timeline in the source viewer
- Support for cleaning up and flattening video tracks on the Edit timeline
- Support for resizing audio transitions to sub-frame boundaries
- Support for setting ease-in and ease-out on keyframes from the keyframe context menu in the Edit and Fairlight page inspectors
- Support for setting ease-in and ease-out on keyframes from the keyframe context menu in the Edit timeline
- Support for temporarily toggling snapping while scrubbing the playhead by invoking the snapping shortcut in the Edit timeline
- Support for defining characters per second thresholds to highlight non-conforming subtitle captions in the inspector
- Support for automatically enabling dynamic zoom when on-screen controls are modified on the Edit page
- Support for timeline indicators for clips with updated grades or compositions in collaborative projects
- Support for toggling the visibility of retime controls and retime curves by invoking the context menu or the shortcut in the Edit timeline
- Support for fast timecode entry in clip attributes, marker dialog, new timeline, render settings and other timecode widgets
- Support for quickly accessing recent undo/redo actions from the Edit menu
- Improved results when performing transitions on clips being composited with other layers
- Improved behavior when using the Push video transition on a title clip

- Improved scripting API support with ability to import and export Fusion compositions
- Support for GPU acceleration for the Trails tool in the Fusion page

- Support for ResolveFX Beauty in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for ResolveFX Blanking Fill for portrait videos
- Support for ResolveFX ACES Transform
- Support for ResolveFX Gamut Limiter
- Support for bypassing a mixer node input by disabling the node connected to that input
- Support for option to export gallery stills using the still label name
- Support for Camera RAW controls for Canon and Panasonic clips from the DaVinci Resolve Advanced and Mini panels
- Support for clipping output gamut to a different display gamut
- Support for an ST.2084 3000 nits gamma option in Resolve Color Management
- Support for improved color matching using color charts
- Support for OpenFX extension for a plugin to describe itself as not spatially aware
- Check Developer Documentation in the Help menu for more details
- Support for including non-spatially aware OpenFX plugins when generating LUTs on the Color page
- Support for including the ResolveFX Color Transform plugin when generating LUTs on the Color page
- Support for importing Dolby Vision metadata for clips in the Color page Dolby Vision option menu
- Support for previewing tone mapping using embedded, imported or custom metadata for Dolby Vision IMF clips
- Support for for up to 64 controls when creating DCTLs
- Updated OpenFX developer documentation with OpenFX 1.4 samples
- Updated OpenFX developer documentation with temporal frame access samples
- Updated OpenFX developer documentation with transition sample
- Improved support for handling aspect ratios for various ResolveFX plugins
- Improved support for handling UI overlays for projects with output scaling applied
- Improved behavior when closing Power Curve Windows drawn on the Color page

- Support for VCA groups
- Support for FairlightFX Multiband Compressor
- Support for FairlightFX Stereo Fixer
- Support for customizable test tones and noise generation from the Fairlight menu
- Support for selecting and modifying audio transitions
- Support for navigating the Fairlight timeline using timecode entry
- Support for setting audio monitoring output delay in system preferences
- Support for indicating clips with changed inspector properties on the Fairlight timeline
- Support for applying a FairlightFX plugin to multiple selected audio clips
- Support for additional Fairlight Audio Accelerator IO settings on Windows
- Support for Fairlight Audio Interface RS-422 9-Pin serial control on Windows
- Support for Talkback using the Fairlight Audio Accelerator on Windows
- Support for Fairlight MADI expander for the Fairlight Audio Accelerator on Windows
- Support for additional Fairlight edit operations including cut or copy the head or tail of the current clip from the Edit menu
- Improved playback performance when performing audio automation
- Improved handling of custom multi-channel format mappings for Audio FX

Media and Deliver
- Support for decoding Panasonic 8K SHV clips in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for hardware accelerated encoding of H.264 and H.265 using specific NVIDIA GPUs on DaVinci Resolve Studio; Windows and Linux only
- Support for hardware accelerated encoding of H.264 and H.265 using Intel Quick Sync on supported hardware on DaVinci Resolve Studio; Windows only
- Support for decoding Canon RMF clips using the Canon SDK
- Support for encoding Dolby Vision version 4 metadata in IMF renders
- Support for creating a subclip from a Media Pool clip marker
- Support for clip usage indicators in the Media Pool clip thumbnail for the active timeline
- Support for a clip usage listing in the Media Pool clip context menu for the active timeline
- Support for showing usage indicators for clips inside a compound clip on the active timeline
- Support for adding flags to clips when focused on the source viewer
- Support for duplicating media pool clips and current timelines from the Edit menu
- Support for a toggle control for switching between single and dual pane mode in Media Pool on the Edit page
- Support for storing the alpha channel in optimized media for clips with an embedded alpha channel
- Support for an option to render alpha channel either as straight or premultiplied when rendering individual clips
- Support for Sony XAVC Long GOP encoding on DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for Episode and Chapter in content metadata options for IMF exports

- Improved sub-pixel stabilization
- Support for storing Cintel settings with each DaVinci Resolve project
- Support for single frame captures
- Addressed an issue with debayering artefacts that would sometimes affect pixel highlights
- Addressed an issue with incorrect audio sync offsets when using Capture Now

- Support for a visual keyboard shortcut mapping utility to find, add and modify shortcuts
- Support for per-module customizable shortcuts, including module specific actions and context menus
- Support for showing the currently focused module in the user interface
- Support for adding, editing and exporting custom keyword sets from the keyword dictionary in the Workspace menu
- Support for live save and backups for unsaved projects
- Support for remembering the last used locations in the file browser for various import and export operations
- Support for collaborating on projects in a PostgreSQL database with machines across multiple subnets
- Support for toggling Mute and Dim in all pages from the Fairlight application menu
- Support for configuring the gallery path during project import by Alt/Option-clicking Import Project
- Improved organization of System Preferences with a new section for decode options
- Support for easyDCP on Linux

Issues Addressed
- Addressed an issue where reading file and folder paths of more than 200 characters on Windows systems would not work correctly
- Addressed an issue where project thumbnails would sometimes not be correctly saved
- Addressed an issue where deleting gallery stills would be slow when Live Save was enabled
- Addressed an issue where dragging media into a new project to create a timeline would not prompt for setting the project frame rate
- Addressed an issue where importing older DaVinci Resolve projects would sometimes ignore static keyframes from OpenFX plugins
- Addressed an issue where opening an older DaVinci Resolve project with a lens flare plugin would cause a crash
- Addressed an issue where older projects would sometimes show incorrect node cache previews
- Addressed an issue where importing a Final Cut Pro XML would not preserve audio transitions
- Addressed an issue where copying a project in collaboration mode would sometimes not work correctly
- Addressed an issue where clips in locked bins could be replaced in a collaboration project
- Addressed an issue where in and out points could be modified for clips in locked bins in a collaboration project
- Addressed an issue where dragging a folder to the media pool would not add any subtitle elements inside the folders
- Addressed an issue where adding a flag to a media pool clip and undoing would not refresh correctly
- Addressed an issue when adding clip and marker keywords on Linux
- Addressed an issue where keyword suggestions would not work correctly in the marker dialog
- Addressed an issue where the subtitle characters per second count in inspector would not be calculated correctly
- Addressed an issue where track destination hotkeys would not allow setting the destination to the last track
- Addressed an issue where disabling freeze frame on an edited clip would restore the clip to a wrong media offset
- Addressed an issue where selecting clips forward or backward would not work correctly when audio layers are present
- Addressed an issue where keyframe controls would be shown for ResolveFX and OpenFX controls that did not support keyframes
- Addressed an issue where holding down the Alt/Option key during playback or trimming would affect performance
- Addressed an issue where adding markers to adjacent timeline frames would behave incorrectly on the Edit timeline
- Addressed an issue where adding or removing audio track layers would sometimes not correctly update the track heights
- Addressed an issue where enabling selection follows playhead and dragging a sound library clip to the timeline would cause a crash
- Addressed an issue where Text+ titles would not show all typeface options for some fonts
- Addressed an issue where duration markers created from in/out durations would not align correctly
- Addressed an issue where decomposing compound clips would not work correctly when the Edit timeline would have in and out marks
- Addressed an issue where transitions between Fusion clips with an alpha channel would not work correctly
- Addressed an issue where setting fade in or fade out handles for a clip with an alpha channel would not work correctly
- Addressed an issue where adding MediaIn nodes to a Fusion composition and deleting the underlying media pool clip would not invalidate the MediaIn node correctly
- Addressed an issue where previewing Fusion compositions with BSpline nodes would sometimes cause a crash
- Addressed an issue where some Fusion settings changes would not be reflected correctly on Fusion generators
- Addressed an issue where some Fusion UI settings changes would not be persisted correctly across application restarts
- Addressed an issue where playing back PSD files would sometimes cause the application to hang
- Addressed an issue where adding a mask to a Fusion composition with a background node would show incorrect background colors
- Addressed an issue where canceling a Saver node render would repeatedly display a confirmation dialog
- Addressed an issue with monitoring dual HDR/SDR outputs where both outputs would sometimes show the HDR image
- Addressed an issue where trying to grade a locked node would incorrectly reset node cache
- Addressed an issue where clip filter controls would sometimes be shown on the clip thumbnails area in the Color page in dual screen mode
- Addressed an issue where resetting primary controls in Log mode would not correctly refresh some controls
- Addressed an issue where switching between nodes in the Color page would not correctly refresh the node sizing controls
- Addressed an issue where applying ResolveFX Color Stabilizer would sometimes result in darkened image frames
- Addressed an issue where a warp point could not be created when applying ResolveFX Warper on a Fusion composition
- Addressed an issue where the Camera RAW ISO control for CinemaDNG clips would not reflect the correct value on the DaVinci Resolve Mini panel
- Addressed an issue where the Camera RAW temperature and tint controls could not be changed from the DaVinci Resolve Mini panel
- Addressed an issue where older GoPro CineForm clips would sometimes be decoded incorrectly
- Addressed an issue where ResolveFX and OpenFX plugins used on the timeline node graph would sometimes not be applied
- Addressed an issue where the Color page thumbnail indicator for clip color would sometimes be inconsistent with the clip color as shown in the Edit timeline
- Addressed an issue where grades could be reset on a locked node in the Color page
- Addressed an issue where default trims were incorrectly being applied instead of interpolated trims when using Dolby Vision external CMUs
- Addressed an issue where copying grades with preserved nodes would incorrectly reset ResolveFX or OpenFX on the preserved nodes
- Addressed an issue where copying grades with preserved nodes would invalidate the cache for those nodes
- Addressed an issue where stills captured in proxy mode with center crop would be captured with blanking
- Addressed an issue where moving a clip with and echo or reverb applied would sometimes result in glitches during playback through its original position
- Addressed an issue where opening a project with FairlightFX applied to clips would sometimes preview the effect only on the left channel
- Addressed an issue where the control room monitor gain would not correctly reflect the output
- Addressed an issue where it was possible to add effects or modify mixer properties for locked audio tracks
- Addressed an issue where an audio track listening for sidechain changes would behave incorrectly if subsequently included in a linked group
- Addressed an issue where the effects library would be filtered by transitions and appear blank on the Fairlight page
- Addressed an issue where recording to multi-channel tracks would produce an audio clip with an incorrect number of channels
- Addressed an issue where rendering a marked timeline section using the Pro Tools preset would sometimes result in files without audio
- Addressed an issue where hiding tracks from the Fairlight page track index would sometimes hide the incorrect track
- Addressed an issue with drawing automation curves when the mouse cursor would go outside the bounds of the clip
- Addressed an issue where clips with unicode character names would not display correctly on the Fairlight timeline
- Addressed an issue where changing the video track color in the Fairlight timeline would not change the color of generators and titles on the track
- Addressed an issue with selecting clips after switching pages in the sound library
- Addressed an issue where rendering compound clips in audio only mode as individual clips would not work correctly
- Addressed an issue where setting an in-out range in the Deliver page and switching pages would not correctly honor the range for subsequent render jobs
- Addressed an issue where linked audio track formats would be shown incorrectly in the render settings
- Addressed an issue where rendered MXF XAVC clips would not have color space and gamma tagged correctly
- Addressed an issue where embedded CEA-608 subtitles in H.264 clips would be rendered with incorrect durations
- Addressed an issue where rendering embedded CEA-608 subtitles would incorrectly show errors for some multiline captions
- Addressed an issue where switching IMF profile levels on the Deliver page would not always update the bitrate to match
- General performance and stability improvements

Minimum system requirements:
- Windows 10 Creators Update
- 16 GB of system memory is recommended and 32 GB is recommended minimum when using Fusion
- Blackmagic Design Desktop Video version 10.4.1 or later
- NVIDIA/AMD/Intel GPU Driver version – As required by your GPU
- RED Rocket-X Driver and Firmware or later
- RED Rocket Driver and Firmware or later


strona producenta: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/
system operacyjny: Windows 10 (64-bit)


Sumy kontrolne pliku .exe:
CRC32: AC359710
MD5: 9B41BA525186CC15A8D272359647F656
SHA-1: 92CF68ED9CF6FC7B974B36B7571F45033C9A4DDF


- wystarczy zainstalować ( wersja aktywowana - RePack by KpoJluK )


Aplikacja podczas uruchamiania próbuje pobrać strumień audio, w AV należy zezwolić na tą operacje.


Screen: http://i.postimg.cc/W4hHNMMp/11.png

Lista plików


  • udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce
  • udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451/announce
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  • http://tracker.city9x.com:2710/announce
  • http://t.nyaatracker.com:80/announce
  • udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announce
  • udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969/announce
  • udp://thetracker.org:80/announce
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