Linux/Mac / Inne
Hands-on: Complete Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking [2021] [Sezon 5 / 8] [1080p] [MP4] [Angielski] [ST21]

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2021-12-11 17:05:05
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2022-04-17 13:05:09
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...( Obsada )...

"Hands-on: Complete Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking! "
Muharrem Aydin (White-Hat Hacker), creator of the three best-selling Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing courses on Udemy.

This time I’ve designed "Hands-on: Complete Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking!, for YOU!

...( Info )...

Skill level: All Levels
Languages: English
Lectures: 267
Video: 19.5 total hours

...( Wymagania Sprzetowe )...

Alfa Network AWUS036NHA wi-fi
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Set Up Kali Linux from ISO File
Set Up a Victim: Metasploitable Linux
Set Up a Victim: OWASP Broken Web Applications
Set Up a Victim: Windows System

...( Opis )...

Penetration Test Types

Security Audit
Vulnerability Scan
Penetration Test Approaches: Black Box to White Box
Penetration Test Phases: Reconnaissance to Reporting
Legal Issues Testing Standards

Network Scan

Network Scan Types
Passive Scan With Wireshark
Passive Scan with ARP Tables
Active Scan with Hping
Hping for Another Purpose: DDos

Nmap for Active Network Scan

Ping Scan to Enumerate Network Hosts
Port Scan with Nmap
SYN Scan, TCP Scan, UDP Scan
Version & Operating System Detection
Input & Output Management in Nmap
Nmap Scripting Engine
How to Bypass Security Measures in Nmap Scans
Some Other Types of Scans: XMAS, ACK, etc.
Idle (Stealth) Scan

Vulnerability Scan

Introduction to Vulnerability Scan
Introduction to a Vulnerability Scanner: Nessus
Nessus: Download, Install & Setup
Nessus: Creating a Custom Policy
Nessus: First Scan
An Aggressive Scan
Nessus: Report Function


Exploitation Terminologies
Exploit Databases
Manual Exploitation
Exploitation Frameworks
Metasploit Framework (MSF)
Introduction to MSF Console
MSF Console & How to Run an Exploit
Introduction to Meterpreter
Gaining a Meterpreter Session
Meterpreter Basics
Pass the Hash: Hack Even There is No Vulnerability


Persistence: What is it?
Persistence Module of Meterpreter
Removing a Persistence Backdoor
Next Generation Persistence
Meterpreter for Post-Exploitation with Extensions: Core, Stdapi, Mimikatz...
Post Modules of Metasploit Framework (MSF)
Collecting Sensitive Data in Post-Exploitation Phase

Password Cracking

Password Hashes of Windows Systems
Password Hashes of Linux Systems
Classification of Password Cracking
Password Cracking Tools in Action: Hydra, Cain and Abel, John the Ripper...

OSINT (Open Source Intelligent) & Information Gathering Over the Internet

Introduction to Information Gathering
Using Search Engines to Gather Information
Search Engine Tools: SiteDigger and SearchDiggity
Gathering Information About the People
Web Archives
FOCA - Fingerprinting Organisations with Collected Archives
Fingerprinting Tools: The Harvester and Recon-NG
Maltego - Visual Link Analysis Tool

Hacking Web Applications

Terms and Standards
Intercepting HTTP & HTTPS Traffics with Burp Suite
An Automated Tool: Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) in Details
Information Gathering and Configuration Flaws
Input & Output Manipulation
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Reflected XSS, Stored XSS and DOM-Based XSS
BeEF - The Browser Exploitation Framework
SQL Injection
Authentication Flaws
Online Password Cracking
Authorisation Flaws
Path Traversal Attack
Session Management
Session Fixation Attack
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Social Engineering & Phishing Attacks

Social Engineering Terminologies
Creating Malware - Terminologies
MSF Venom
Veil to Create Custom Payloads
TheFatRat - Installation and Creating a Custom Malware
Embedding Malware in PDF Files
Embedding Malware in Word Documents
Embedding Malware in Firefox Add-ons
Empire Project in Action
Exploiting Java Vulnerabilities
Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) for Phishing
Sending Fake Emails for Phishing
Voice Phishing: Vishing

Network Fundamentals

Reference Models: OSI vs. TCP/IP
Demonstration of OSI Layers Using Wireshark
Data Link Layer (Layer 2) Standards & Protocols
Layer 2: Ethernet - Principles, Frames & Headers
Layer 2: ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
Layer 2: VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks)
Layer 2: WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks)
Introduction to Network Layer (Layer 3)
Layer 3: IP (Internet Protocol)
Layer 3: IPv4 Addressing System
Layer 3: IPv4 Subnetting
Layer 3: Private Networks
Layer 3: NAT (Network Address Translation)
Layer 3: IPv6
Layer 3: DHCP - How the Mechanism Works
Layer 3: ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
Layer 3: Traceroute
Introduction to Transport Layer (Layer 4)
Layer 4: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
Layer 4: UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Introduction to Application Layer (Layer 5 to 7)
Layer 7: DNS (Domain Name System)
Layer 7: HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
Layer 7: HTTPS

Network Layer & Layer-2 Attacks

Creating Network with GNS3
Network Sniffing: The “Man in the Middle” (MitM)
Network Sniffing: TCPDump
Network Sniffing: Wireshark
Active Network Devices: Router, Switch, Hub
MAC Flood Using Macof
ARP Spoof
ARP Cache Poisoning using Ettercap
DHCP Starvation & DHCP Spoofing
VLAN Hopping: Switch Spoofing, Double Tagging
Reconnaissance on Network Devices
Cracking the Passwords of the Services of Network Devices
Compromising SNMP: Finding Community Names Using NMAP Scripts
Compromising SNMP: Write Access Check Using SNMP-Check Tool
Compromising SNMP: Grabbing SNMP Configuration Using Metasploit
Weaknesses of the Network Devices
Password Creation Methods of Cisco Routers
Identity Management in the Network Devices
ACLs (Access Control Lists) in Cisco Switches & Routers
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Security
Network Hacking

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